• Plumbers Local 130
    Welcome to
    Local 130
    Plumbers / Technical Engineers / Journeymen

    For the members of Chicago Journeymen Plumbers and Technical Engineers Local Union 130 UA, that’s all in a day’s work!

  • Tech Engineers
    Providing horizontal and vertical control points to General Contractors and trades on construction sites throughout Chicagoland since 1962.
  • 125 Years Plus One
    Local 130 has been changing the Skyline of Chicago since 1895.
    Local 130 will continue to shape the Skyline of Chicago into the future.


Chicago Bulls Ticket Offer
Wed, Feb 5, to Thu, Apr 10, 2025

MARCH Membership Meeting
Thu, Mar 13, 2025 - 6 PM @ 1340 W Washington Blvd

Live streamed at Joliet & Volo. Refreshments will be served at all locations. 

New Member Dues Payment System

Local 130 is proud to introduce our new Member Dues Payment system. This new system will ease the process of paying Window Dues. As you all know, our Parent International, The United Association, currently requires each member to pay $32.00 in Window Dues each month. Failure to pay Window Dues for 3 months will cause a suspension, and a $50.00 late fee will be assessed by the UA. Failure to pay their Window Dues for 6 months will result in a member being expelled requiring payment of a Reinitiation fee, a late fee, and all outstanding Windows Dues amounts owed to become a member again. Local 130 understands that finding the time to pay the required Window Dues can be challenging between work and family life and the intent of this new system is to help all our members stay current and avoid paying unnecessary Late or Reinitiation Fees*.

*If the Reinstatement Fee of ($50.00) is included that means you are suspended due to late payment of your window dues as per the United Association. 

These are a few items to be aware of when using the New Member Dues Payment System;

  • You must register using your U.A. Card number (6 or 7 digits) as the 'Member Number', your Date of Birth and the last four digits of your Social Security Number. The system will ask you to create a PIN number. You will need this PIN every time you pay your dues online - PLEASE RECORD FOR REFERENCE!
  • Use a valid email address when registering. Password resets, if needed, are delivered to this email address only.
  • Use the Credit Card billing address zip code, not your home mailing address zip code if they are different. this can happen if you've moved recently.
  • Online Balances are updated one business day after your payment. If you make a payment and then check your balance the same day, it will not have changed. If you click the History link, you can verify that your payment was made and registered. DO NOT make a second payment! Payments take 24 hours to process and update your account. 

The following documents describe how to use the New Member Dues Payment System.

For instructions in English: Instructions-English-V1.pdf

For instructions in Spanish: Instructions-Spanish-V3.pdf

Click to get started > RedBrace Online Dues Payment System

Welcome to Plumbers Local 130 UA

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have more than 6,100 friends and co-workers ready to stand behind you and protect your rights as a skilled craftsman?

Can you imagine going to work everyday knowing you have guaranteed health care coverage, a generous savings plan, established working hours and overtime rates?


For the members of Chicago Journeymen Plumbers' and Technical Engineers Local Union 130 UA, that’s all in a day’s work! The many benefits that come with being a union member are felt each day whether it's the assurance of safe OSHA working conditions or the outstanding relationship between the union and contractors.


Chicago Journeymen Plumbers’ Local Union 130 with over 6,100 members is one of the largest straight-line plumbing locals in the United Association (UA) which represents 350,000+ building tradesmen across the United States and Canada. The quality of our people, our great size and our loyalty to each other makes Local 130 UA a strong and respected voice in the construction piping industry and community.


Sponsored by Plumbers Local 130 UA Carrying the torch of a 7 decade tradition, the members of Plumbers Local 130 in Chicago dye the river green in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

Local 130 is proud to be the Title Sponsor of this great tradition which includes the selection of the St. Patricks Day Parade Queen by the members of Local 130.

Click Here for the Parade Raffle

Visit the parade website: https://chicagostpatricksdayparade.org